I understand that my art may be used as ' mask ' to further the desire line of pedophilia, if not the artist himself or any artist really. BECAUSE I HAVE SPOKEN OUT, TAKEN A STAND AGAINST RAPE OF WOMEN AND CHILD ABUSE. SEXUAL CHILD ABUSE BY ADULTS TO CHILDREN. But the same argument can be made of ' objects or idols ' such as the Holy Bible or The Qur'an, as tools of the ' MIND AND SPIRIT,' as example; a way of life. A way of being. Life as Life. There are examples given of ' teachings,' in both books ( WEBSITES CAN BE GIVEN AND AREAS IN BOTH BOOKS, IF GIVEN TIME. OTHER EXAMPLES CAN BE READ UPON OR SEEN ON THE NET, NEWSPAPERS, ECT. NOTE: I AM NOT AGAINST RELIGION, I DO BELIEVE IN GOD, JUST BEYOND WHAT I'VE READ). If you have kept up with this blog and the other then you know of the time I threw the bible down to the floor, when I heard the explanation of why it is alright to have sex with children ( ??????? ). The language was not my own, the voice male, and it took almost all I had to drive it out. Including throwing the bible to the ground. Part of what I heard was " Don't you know who you are? " And then given chapter and verse to read. Morning Star. Almost five years ago. THE BOOK THAT I AM READING NOW IS THE LUCIFER PRINCIPLE, I AM NOT HE, OR THE BELIEF SYSTEM-AND IF I WAS ( LUCIFER ) I WOULD SAY ALSO-STOP RAPING THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN-I SEE YOU. ALL YOU WANTED, WAS TITLE OF MY NAME.
When I was younger, after my parents divorce, an event that I now see in full view, without exception to any and all directions regarding perceptions or duration of event, as if a frame of a ' movie,' but beyond pixel, I almost raped my sister. It could of been much worst. Rape is not a fantasy, it is a violent anger, the animal in full domination or submission, depending on who ' the director ' really is. In my case, puberty, no father, and I hesitate to ' say,' a memory, " Mom, if we had a different father, would you still be our mother?" She paused, and in thought, answered " Yes, you would." The anger to this day and ' the other,' always there, trying to teach me of science and appreciation of the nature around me even through the ' noise ' to this day. The anger to this day, always kept in rooms, alone when my father was home. The anger, most especially when he left. The anger disappeared when she defended him. So I left. Now, I vent, lift weights and most important, walk away from arguments with girlfriends no matter the distance, even those who get off on violence. My definition of violence is DEFENSE, and if need be, AT ALL COSTS, IF, I AM IN FEAR OF MY LIFE. All other forms,... if I can do it, so can you. Walk away.
Of Star Chambers in ' dreams ( ? )' that, maybe, should be left alone. Women, most especially the upper classes, stop teaching your daughters, or sons, to sexually gratify the adult males in order to succeed in life if all else fail, all this does is continue the ' loop ' of social degradation when they themselves become parents, looking into their child's eyes. Both sexes are supposed to be EQUAL NOW. The first 21 months, I feel, are the most important.-I gave my Art value. I am taking some of it away.
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