PART ONE Are we the discovery of, ( other's of one?). I wonder of form given to thought. We live in a lateral construct. So, pass the lateral ( please ). Ha! Get it ? As we are all forgiven within one religion among others of one, or the ONE, as the others.
Does she approve as he, for she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he. Is the synapse of the human symphony as baton, but the ballerina atop the point of condition understood as sin, of the one's mind ? ( Or are we all children TOO ?)
PART TWO Are we the discovery of, ( other's of one?). I wonder of form given to thought. We live in a lateral construct. So, pass the lateral ( please ). Ha! Get it ? As we are all forgiven within one religion among other's of ONE, or the one, as the others.
Does she approve as he, for she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he.
Is the synapse of the human symphony as baton , but the ballerina atop the point of
conditioned understory as sin, of the ONE'S MIND ? ( Or are we all children ?)
PART THREE Are we the discovery of, ( other's of one?). I wonder of form given to
thought. We live in a lateral construct. So, pass the concept ( please ), lateral of course. Ha! Get it ? As we are all forgiven within ONE RELIGION among others of one, or one as the others.
Does she approve as he, for she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he. Is the synapse of the human symphony as baton, but the ballerina atop the point of conditioned understanding as a sin, of the one's mind ? ( Or are we all children ?)
PART FOUR Are we within the meiosis a discovery, OF, ( other's of one?). I wonder of thought given to form. Thought given thought ? We live in a lateral world of concept. So pass the lateral ? Please ? Can we reach ? Get it ? As we are all forgiven within one religion AMONG others of one, or the one, AS the others?
Does SHE approve as HE ? How ? For she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he. Is not the SYNAPSIS of the human concept as a symphony as baton, but a ballerina atop a point of understanding a mitosis, AS TO SIN, OF the one's brain as a concept of the mind in question; humanity ? Children? ( Or are we all children of the son AS ADULTS? )
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