Thursday, April 30, 2009


                  LATITUDES OF SENSES                 

                  PART ONE   Are we the discovery of, ( other's of one?). I wonder of form given to thought. We live in a lateral construct. So, pass the lateral ( please ). Ha! Get it ? As we are all forgiven within one religion among others of one, or the ONE, as the others.
                  Does she approve as he, for she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he. Is the synapse of the human symphony as baton, but the ballerina atop the point of condition understood as sin, of the one's mind ? ( Or are we all children TOO ?)

                  PART TWO   Are we the discovery of, ( other's of one?). I wonder of form given to thought. We live in a lateral construct. So, pass the lateral ( please ). Ha! Get it ? As we are all forgiven within one religion among other's of ONE, or the one, as the others.
                   Does she approve as he, for she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he.
Is the synapse of the human symphony as baton , but the ballerina atop the point of 
conditioned understory as sin, of the ONE'S MIND ? ( Or are we all children ?)

                  PART THREE    Are we the discovery of, ( other's of one?). I wonder of form given to 
thought. We live in a lateral construct. So, pass the concept ( please ), lateral of course. Ha! Get it ? As we are all forgiven within ONE RELIGION among others of one, or one as the others.
                   Does she approve as he, for she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he. Is the synapse of the human symphony as baton, but the ballerina atop the point of conditioned understanding as a sin, of the one's mind ? ( Or are we all children ?)

                   PART FOUR    Are we within the meiosis a discovery, OF, ( other's of one?). I wonder of thought given to form. Thought given thought ? We live in a lateral world of concept. So pass the lateral ? Please ? Can we reach ? Get it ? As we are all forgiven within one religion AMONG others of one, or the one, AS the others?
                   Does SHE approve as HE ? How ? For she is but the weight of all life and judge too, despite he. Is not the SYNAPSIS of the human concept as a symphony as baton, but a ballerina atop a point of understanding a mitosis, AS TO SIN, OF the one's brain as a concept of the mind  in question; humanity ? Children? ( Or are we all children of the son AS ADULTS? )


Friday, April 17, 2009

Lessons Learned of Observation and the Predictable Outcomes, Including a Movie Review, in NO PARTICULAR ORDER and THE FLAGSHIPS that WERE ENHANCED

                 "Nine Palms" is a particularly violent film. Which I'm sure, with varying degrees of emulation within it's following, takes a wicked turn of horribly arranged transformation mirroring rape, murder and alack of satisfaction achieved upon a displaced bed, set alone in a desolate desert with insanity along with a corpse; all memorialized in the emblem of a red five pointed star; as if petitioned. Which is further (?) emulated by the producer's employee's 'or' stockholders, you. A following of men , first, then women , not really 'Gay' per say, but kinda pissed off at the reflective perception in experience, then tempered transgression through a vicious violence realized. Or, simply put, "Gee, that guys cool! I want to be just like him." Impal-(h)er through the sheets to the dust, just like him? 
                  What about sound? The unborn? Children in the other room? The unseen glimpse of a child. Or just memory itself. Is sound as 'real' as the portrayals of rapes the film emulates to the degree of experience or are we as a culture immune? Or is it, the film, just an experience?
                   I saw one of 'these?' men wearing a red star on his arm a few years back , ridding a motorcycle with a smile on his face. He looked at me. This entertainment found in a Walmart parking lot among friends. A 'minor observer' I saw on a bike and from above, he, a stranger.
                   Another man , I once knew, who explained the need to put down a dog as a result of it's attack and damage done to a child's face. The expression of love I observed on his face of the 'exact', recent recollection of the event, then (a few years ago); the compassion shared and 'kept' until the dog's death. He put the dog down, he was told to. Tears as the recollection folds.
                   The child's lip was never found, he said. Not much was said or felt for the child. A gentle animal the dog, he felt. The child autistic. Of my recollection, a good watch dog, barked when one arrived, but not a guard dog, and not very gentle. "No they don't come around anymore. He said of the child's parents. "Thank God for home owner's insurance," he said.
                   Red five pointed stars on the arms, S&M and indifference in transference; what once was man, recorded. "An Army of One'. I hope The United States Army stopped using that slogan. Transference, disinformation, and urban legends when life is lived in the past and patterned from a false profit, the television. Children copy, some follow. Like actors and a script, film is often used these days as a child's baby sitter in the early years nearest birth. Television.
                   Within the same duration of time, a 'make believe boy' walking up a hill with his walking stick of about 5 feet, his 'bitch' (if my use of today's vernacular is correct) following close behind as symptom; a common law 'make believe wife.' Happen chance? I kept driving up the hill and laughed to myself, " You gotta be kidding me, your no Abraham!" I thought to myself and said aloud, although Noah came to mind. Abraham can be argued though. (The day prior, before a storm, a loud voice heard from the west, "Stick to Abraham, the plan." Telepathic overlay, transference of responsibilities within a social network that's lacking? The sound recognized. This I heard aloud while waiting for another round of lighting in a summer storm, sitting in my driveway.)
                   Noah wasn't a 8 year 'old make believe man.' Noah's element water, heard in a fire of light. His favorite animal a bird, returned with a green. A solid ground was found for his and her's ark; a distant breath of children, then found within. Life renewed of above and of her. Listened.
                    Of circles within circles and a duration of time when all was seen to preserve life without harm. Then to protect. I go back sometimes in a stream of time unaltered until a right choice is made. Unhampered by the speed of unwanted thoughts, yet I listen; to listen in the distance of my soul. Protect the heart, it is lent you but awhile to make a difference. For the good.
                     It is my resolve that 'feeling' or 'feelings' without an understanding as to how they are not questioned in the individual brain, then mind, and a conclusion settled, has alot to do with the rearing of the individual brain from birth to adulthood. Thank God some never make it past the individual mind, as seen from 'above.' The reason for our societies steady decline is seen in the constant directed obedience of what is below, to those that hide and are unseen because that is what is taught; 'it's your / our nature' as the rule. Between the mind and the brain, but mostly the 'gut,' therein lies the Grey. Who owns knowledge? Who owns the 'intellect?' Diversity? No. International intellectual property law? What part of the intellect as governed by and who? Who or what owns your children's brain when confronted or introduced with ethics? What mind? the 'want,' is the answer. If we do not think, all children will follow any and all adults, even machines engaged as peers of ALL DIRECTIONS OF ALL BELIEF SYSTEMS AND ALL LIFESTYLES INCLUDING PEDOPHILIA and another word will be lost from our language. Absolute. A diversity of quality absolutes are being allowed to defuse within liabilities unconstrained; extinction. The invested extinction of childhood as concept and practice by design, thus freedom is lost. And then, other words and even languages as a whole; civilization and it's experience will follow. And the young animals will rape and murder each other, their elders and even their young with indifference and some ...with a smile. The want as directed by a satisfaction hardly recognized by those of indifference we assume to be human; cannibalism.
                Feed the children well and with forethought within forbearance that exacts a hull. Forgiveness is found here as well as precise intent which may imprint generations to come. (So, reproduce well.) Some after thoughts, some what within context: Should some imagery be seen only after an education is achieved? What about symbols? What symbol will your children represent?
                The insanity of the Baby Boomer's realization of language with regards to concepts found by way of their rebellion to a blood feast, is the near loss of the one word. Absolute. Or to put it in rebellious terms, "Thou shalt not." An example would be: Thou shalt not drug, torture, mutilate, rape, kill and allow your children to be fed to the animals of the world...thou shalt, however, sit, listen and learn correct methods of parenting. Voice your concerns to YOUR lawmakers and report abuse to YOUR law enforcement, as PARENTS, DIRECT THEM TO DO YOUR WILL.
                 If we can't keep the boat of Humanity(?) afloat, built of flesh, then the ships of steel will soon sink. If you can read this then YOU CAN SEE IT; THE FUTURE.

                 FLAGSHIPS OF THE SOUTHWEST          
                 In the State of New Mexico, recent small steps have been made in the direction of protection for her children. Victories.
                 The damage that has been done in the past by my Hispanic ancestors has been immense despite the many beauties that have also been recorded. This does not mean that other subcultures are exempt. Are the States of California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Colorado ready for further responsibilities regarding the safety of and proper education at home and all schools due children? For their protection? More to follow soon.

P.S.           I realize that other people in other states would like to be associated with an essentially 'Hispanic' state, ex. Florida. But the thought occured to me, is Florida really a state? How can one determine through all the haze that is of music, drink, dance and sleep? Oh well, we all can't be as pristine as those of us in The State of New Mexico. Thank God, child abuse does not occur here.-Two ideas. One: Why do children need phones with cameras and textting capabilities? Has anyone asked the corporations? Second: Why do adults who are teachers, have a need for cameras and textting capabilities on the school grounds? Or any adult who is employed by the school?