"11. Modern divines, a very sensitive race, have been much shocked with the doctrine of the ancients, that nothing could be created from nothing, ' ex nihilo nihil fit.' This is a subject well deserving consideration. The question arises, how did the ancients acquire the knowledge of the truth of this proposition? Had they any positive experience that matter was not made from nothing? I think they had not. Then how could they have any knowledge on the subject?As they had received no knowledge through the medium of the senses, that is from experience, it was rash and unphilosophical to come to any conclusion.
"The ancients may have reasoned from analogy. They may have said, Our experience teaches that everything which we perceive has pre-existed before the moment we perceive it, therefore it is fair to conclude that it must always have existed. A most hasty conclusion. All that they could fairly conclude, was that, for any thing which they knew to the contrary, it MAY have existed from eternity, not that it -must- have existed. But this amounts not to knowledge."
It amounts to behavior within a ' seen ' environment based on observation, seemingly understood by those observing. It amounts to behavior based on a history, or an ' idea ' ( dominance and submission ) of history or histories that may have been learnt out of context within an environment's linear time framework. Such is history. A history or histories analogy not solely based on the sun's shadows or the heavens above but simply, the behavior traits of animals in the ' wild ' within the environment. Would Animal Worship be the end result of this line of reason? If there are no flaws in my argument, it would seem so. When a person abuses their young and or companions are they not in effect, ' Worshiping Them?' Based on Animals?
Would the ' modern divines ' be trying to legalize behavior traits based on a perceived imunity which would be a ' desired ' conditioning, based on animals in the ' wild,' thus inducing slavery from the onset. Infancy. What is sanity? Mater is as mater does, with intent. IS THIS SO?
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