Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Of Mater; conscience, knowledge and ignorance; the repretition of both
An argument made from an idea that is perhaps out of context borrowed from' An Inquiry into the Origion of Languages, Nations, And Religions.' By Godfrey Higgins, Esq. ,F.S.A., F.R. ASIAT. SOC., F.R.AST.S., Late of Skellow Grange, Near Doncaster.-J.Burns, 15 Southamton Row, Holborn, W.C.-1874.- pertaining to a structured acceptance of child abuse, and the norms and values as set forth in the wild kingdom as precedence, found in the conscious as a 'precedence' for man as regards women in terms of value.-This is my observation regarding ALL men and women, and wondering,...WHY? Perhaps my conclusion is also the underlying reason of all old and new languages and nations.
"11. Modern divines, a very sensitive race, have been much shocked with the doctrine of the ancients, that nothing could be created from nothing, ' ex nihilo nihil fit.' This is a subject well deserving consideration. The question arises, how did the ancients acquire the knowledge of the truth of this proposition? Had they any positive experience that matter was not made from nothing? I think they had not. Then how could they have any knowledge on the subject?As they had received no knowledge through the medium of the senses, that is from experience, it was rash and unphilosophical to come to any conclusion.
"The ancients may have reasoned from analogy. They may have said, Our experience teaches that everything which we perceive has pre-existed before the moment we perceive it, therefore it is fair to conclude that it must always have existed. A most hasty conclusion. All that they could fairly conclude, was that, for any thing which they knew to the contrary, it MAY have existed from eternity, not that it -must- have existed. But this amounts not to knowledge."
It amounts to behavior within a ' seen ' environment based on observation, seemingly understood by those observing. It amounts to behavior based on a history, or an ' idea ' ( dominance and submission ) of history or histories that may have been learnt out of context within an environment's linear time framework. Such is history. A history or histories analogy not solely based on the sun's shadows or the heavens above but simply, the behavior traits of animals in the ' wild ' within the environment. Would Animal Worship be the end result of this line of reason? If there are no flaws in my argument, it would seem so. When a person abuses their young and or companions are they not in effect, ' Worshiping Them?' Based on Animals?
Would the ' modern divines ' be trying to legalize behavior traits based on a perceived imunity which would be a ' desired ' conditioning, based on animals in the ' wild,' thus inducing slavery from the onset. Infancy. What is sanity? Mater is as mater does, with intent. IS THIS SO?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
1985-87? Drunk and pissed off at the world beyond imagination.-Found it recently and decided to post it.
Dead teachers breed cold techs; both swords of the flesh.
Beware the dead calm, you of purer breath.
Beneath your eye's, there cold bald gaze,
moist, dim...yes. Still wet.
Remember the calm. Sister will, beware...
the ( false*) masters of light, see their glare,
willing to bet death a cold stare.
Speeding loss leaders, the golden gate chasers, dervired from six, then seven.
Sold out in eight; a growing rate.
Numbered credit death mask, networth's deck, hold check...I guess.
Light dancers, baby. Clay crystal prancers, come easy again and again.
While dressed in black auto's built of grey from the neck.
Line code of the day? Record each other other...
while power fishnet toys give co-speedwave kings autobahn joys.
How's your god hanging, brother fucker?
Screaming calm, razor edge.
Dull tearing lights are dead...somehow seem brighter.
Remember, cold techs like their teachers, much like anarchy...
always breed death.
Common norm before each storm, the two always wetting their beds.
Please sister, be still, 'cuz I know they've forgotten...
Naiz dreams have always beld.
Beware YOU calm...distant cry, longing touch, masked blue skies.
Don't forget, purer breath has no knowledge of death...
only green dreams, not red.
Silently survive and though it might seem, no one will intervene.
Liberty or famthoms of sin.
Only satan *censor's children's dreams.
Life key child , living is being.
The fortieth Psalm is found here within...
'cuz sister's breath unmasked death.
Never say what you would shout.
Keep desire sister faith...*meek predators always win.
Remember green, liberty's door is opened within...
your child's breath.
Remember Green.
I thought this would be fun to publish, because I was arguing with a TV set, in my mind at the time. A music video. I included one word because I've met a few people who would like to think they are masters of light. Those who feel that they dictate ' correct ' paths to take in life. Everyone's life. And also those who feel that they are in control of their ' focus ' as it would be perceived by those who are of 'a weaker mind framework', or the young as taught by soulless instructors, often those who stand ' above you in the back of your mind,' if allowed.
" Censor's,"or censures; which one word best expresses my feeling of that moment? One of the few examples my remaining brain cell is pondering. The point was, that nobody ' got it! ' What, or who are the nightmares of our youth? They could be miles away, or next door.
I remember writing this " meek predators always win " It's a powerful verse. This morning I was thinking, if all was lost, what would be left? Computers? A virtual reality.?. Some form of plant life? Digitally enhanced, fractionalized dust particles with embeded bits of code within itself, all answering to who or what?- While looking at that TV set it never occurred to me that MEEK didn't have to be human. Scary, huh?... Would you know?...Would ' it ' feel without being shown?
As for the spelling, what can I say. I left it alone.
Is communication other than ' direct, face to face, eyeball to eyeball,' nonhuman? Middlemen gee, go figure! Damn dust particles! ( wonder if it's them...or maybe women?)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Moose-198?-Trashed it when I moved in 1999?-( Charcoal ) Mariel Hemingway-1987 ?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Of Conscious/Conscience-1985-1987-Sculpture and Painting

Both painting and sculpture, ' Angle ' and Conscious / Conscience were destroyed, if you want to call it that.' Angle ' turned into blue Christ then was destroyed. C/C was cut up after being displayed several times.
I look back now and think of all the people who commented on
the ' Angle.' She was overlooking barren fields of lost harvest, a metaphor of youth and all it's connotations. She was standing on steps and a parcel column built of paint and pages of the bible. I did this reflecting my youth and trying twice to seek advice from the church, once turned away, the second, a waiting list. The overall meaning of the context was why the
necessity of war. The abundant loss of life.
An ex patron once suggested I use pages of the Qu'ran
in my next project and I gave it little thought because in my mind neither one, based on my experience with one, really cares for children. War must be a religion, it is the oldest form of sacrifice and communication. What value would children hold? ( I remember footage more recently where a family was caught between foes and one by one killed. The child was left and he was last to die. The Israelis and Palestinians blamed each other yet neither one offered safe passage.)
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