When you release a ' pathogen '* as structured social engineering, in full knowledge of future reprisals of men, based on patterning found in history as replicated behaviours, but mostly of the mind's of women, the very women who designed a future without men but only haphazardly mimics or shadows of men, a future without childhood...then you have a future left for illusion and death. You have enhanced, given the blood to the legend of that which is always remembered as Satin, yet in reality, it's just mass murder and death. You will never be forgiven of your war crimes, your Babel, your teachings, hence, your battlefields. Your guise of Peace and Equality, unknowingly fought in masses, by those who knew no better than a ' common dog,' what lurked behind the vial of an Idealized ' humanity,' benefiting only one sex and those who submitted. Give up the males as CANDY from ' boundaries ' to boarders.
A price to be paid in full, in the future, by a generation barren of soul, as designed, unable to think outside of plastic; outside of the license given from those who mislead you, ' sold out ' in the dawn of the eighties, knowing of ' your ' war ' to fight for their ' rest.'
You had no chance to learn of the enemy ' within,' in concert with the enemy without, the revolution of Islam,...and his servant, homosexuality. The ' deals ' made by this ' cult of lifestyle ' from and of the mind, and on the nets as ' Grid Walkers,' have placed your generation at ' Bet,' that our soldiers and others in this world will protect ' boundaries of mind ' and borders against all that is ' fanatical.' All for profit and control based on a lack of ethics; they will raise your children from the womb as property, as pleasures given to unseen eyes of the mind. As bounties blood bath; while you slept, in blissful illusion. It's Patterning and Human Biology really; think double helix as a start, then statistics of age groups, apply known behaviour traits given of both sexes, and if you are honest, you will see the reason of the enemy within and without. Apply the given measure of lunar behaviour traits of each sex and you will begin to see the pattern of your species emerge. you can take this further, if you wish.-This method can also be applied to marketing, barcodes, really geometry ( numbers ), fractals in everything you see; underlying structure. HATE AS IMPULSE, sometimes refined in measure. As I said, blissful illusion.
You see, we as Homo Sapiens never applied full use of the two hemisheres, and created something else outside of the an Ideal Humanity instead, and ' she ' as ' they ' were left behind also, at any given magnetic equator. Cellular Memory simply replicated. Because to say God, in and of itself as a name, is to say Allah also as a blasphemy; a state of mind, and misuse of she, Psyche;** while Amor, a state of mind in lapse, is parted. This is the enemie's within's advantage, as example of enticement and enlistment in misguided youth through the ages, as endorsements of acceptance, against a mature ' will,' just for power's profit; now in result of social engineering and perhaps, a higher rate of Pedophilia. What's your future? Who's Dominance as sexual grooming ' will ' be for your young?
* ' Pathogen as Idea '
**She, Understanding Feminine Psychology, by Robert A. Johnson, copyright 1976 by Religious Publishing Co.-Maybe one day I'll read it, the covers interesting.