I should of taken a picture of the cloud, an S and a heart. I only know a few people with the beginnings of their names with this capital letter, other than song. If we loose music in our lives, then we loose the height of HUMANITY. God Bless.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Whispering winds of children's laughter, give cloud's pleasure.-Bartholomew 10-24-09
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A man stood in court, with hand pointed at chest, and spoke of ' Heart.' He was not me. He was money and abuse.
One man may of kept ' The Christo ', workers in the yard were given my permission. But that's one man and or, against a State. If ' you ' read this, know that it placed first in the new mexico state fair, I believe in 2002. God Bless.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I've met many who worked for her agency, many, I suppose, yet to be seen.
Soldiers for her, half minded, now are many, lost in service,
against battlefields of patterning; remnants of enlistments and drafts;
against lost souls left wandering, left blind in broken promises, a past war.
The unseen wars to protect and of service, sometimes even profit,
to protect those unable to protect those unable, sometimes...
Of a country my father served alone honorably and my mother, for her children
as future, until death, the best she could, her life.
To battle the unseen, is to fight for children, a future ' given ' of light in response.
A lightness of darkness bends the unseen away. The promise.
I've known one forced to flee in response to unseen whispers in battle,
the other I was told of ' assisted suicide.' Both served her well...
Within a ' Castle of mind ' and cigar at hand, a blind of white light.
A white man who's soul was black, left her company for good.
I can't help but wonder of papers I signed, years past, only to help
others in time, to see...
The fool in her eyes, as clown, only mark maker, only painter and then sculptor,
and yet I still break all ' codes,' to help her children, against all odds, private
and otherwise, against misguided David's and unseen soldiers of the darkness,
the night. This is who I am and I will never seek her company in flight,
I found another way to battle the unseen darkness.
CRIMINALS INSIST on AMNESTY and there is none, unless forgiven by the ones...
and a system that is not human, the global military complex,
as if a spider's web, who have forgotten...children, that Enemies know their side,
the enemy within.
Sometimes, I wonder if extinction is the only true justice for our species
in observation of deeds done.
We live in singular, a result of a broken marriage
Hardly are known the faces, only traps of memories;
Beyond reach are dreams of a path
shared individually
Nightmares of a younger brother's pleading
caught between life and death, four years ago,
of those who rather beat down breath
to break backs to gain purpose
Impostors of children's dreams taken for glamor
Seen are you, on the place, on the circled cross,
the place of our mother's death
Outside the window, weeds to pull,
from the other side as children, time stopped in lesson,
how to shake the world and listen
A circled cross, my brother Paul, and the sun,
where our mother died...years later
To be used again...for glamor, against my
and our will. Is it for profit only?
The sun sets only to glide
as if upon a swing to climb
suddenly timed, all seen in the jump,
the sun
To reach flight, quiet, then ground
sand felt all around, impact
a journeys end, the ground, sand
Memories of sun felt, in yellow
are now bright in my eye
Suns of many minds meld, called time
As if to sing upon a gleam
In a unison, a partnership in marriage
The unbroken song of time, except one
The sun star sees all bare
for eternities remnant, but a fragment
a child heads back to the swing
within memories...the sun. For the jump.
Luminaries of mind often winning of misconnections attributed to today's use of younger brains; the notion of freedom.' By God, it's just not enough to mold these ' owned ' brains as yesterday. We want the babies too! ' I often wondered of the misuses of energies in today's world as opposed to yesteryear's.
After all, we're pushing for global peace and violence at the same time, we are exposed to this by media all the time, at our own expense and expenditures; we will it. But, alas, the smell of battlefields and death of young, is just not the same; the alluring ripeness of young acquisitions in trophy and the likeness of burning flesh does ' buttered popcorn ' many injustices.
How often have we as citizens, questioned the ' misuse ' of children as advertisements of ' uniforms ' for societies identities as use for comfort? Who enables this ' prophetic ex parte in mimic and retaliation against the the same and those they serve, only to be repeated again and again. Why? Energy, I suppose. Yet energy is abundant from ahigh, above your head, the sun.
We have only a few examples outside of the sex of our species of correct use of energy found in the utilization of solar energy use, wind and water, as dams testify. However, young brains are forever kept ahinder in false pride and low self esteem with pants pitched below buttocks marketing value stated in strut. Toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper's constant use and redeeming value as fabric's lubricant in the colored boxer industry. Moon your country as your ' mind's ' value. Why dress the Emperor? Why even dress, forget the white briefs.
If only computer's wore boxers. Then the species might be separated in two distinct categories, ' thongs ' ( not that I have anything against thongs if worn by women above the age of, say 21 ) and boxers. Surprise and suppressed expectation used to be the norm, yet a clear separation between whose ' mind ' or ' idea ' is being proposed, would be better appreciated in gesture's parade. ' Proper Clothing.'
Today's world, not very brave, has little or no ' real ' surprises other than the use of ' narcotic ' as technology and vise-versa in place of a conscious use of energy. Who's really ' listening ' or reading what's offered, other than nature? Education?
The illumination of a screen requires very little energy, in the sense that it requires much less than a theme park. That is what we bring to the ' table, ' and offer the world. We are given to participate in, if we choose. A matter of conscience is not required in this park, simply because it is not offered. Why? Is there choice in who teaches your children other than you? Of course not. Why, again?
Equality, would be my guess. Parents and children are ' seen ' as the same in the Titan's eyes, in as much as they are of the same age. Mentally anyway. Marketing is a wonderful thing. No age limit for ANY activity under the sun. Including ENERGY. This is and you are the only choices offered by Hollywood, in a time of war ( Ha! ) as a stable diet. It's YOUR table, THEIR your children, or Parents.
Warfare is a dirty business, because REAL people DIE. FOR REAL...really. They die in belief and support of a country, it would seem, that they feel reflects a future for their family and friends and CHILDREN. And yes, for DRUG DEALERS and PEDOPHILES too. This is American way. The Hollywood way. THANK GOD FOR THE MEDIA! IMAGE AMERICA GREAT
The ' foot,' or rather, the footing of any foundation found and observed in our histories, has always been the care in the raising of children in, but not always, conjunction with education. In today's world, it would seem, it is best to listen well, and hard, to the voice of reason and that of wisdom, and yes to that of bravery, or there's always the ' other mouth.'
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